I've had very good experiences with the `elk' embeddable Scheme
interpreter; I prefer it over the `STk' Scheme interpreter mentioned
by RMS in his post:
* lib*.a and *.o files are dynamically loadable in many architectures,
not just Solaris 1 and 2.
* You can save a snapshot of the current runtime state (`dump').
* The interface for adding application-specific functions and types
is cleaner than `STk'.
* Installation was easier.
* It has better documentation.
* It has full access to the Athena and Motif widget sets, (but not the
Tcl widgets).
* There are easy options for using their main() or your own main().
* The Elk Scheme implementation is R^4RS and IEEE Std 1178 conforming.
Elk, version 2.2 is available in the contrib section of the X
distribution: ftp://ftp.x.org:/contrib/devel_tools/elk-2.2.tar.gz
-- R. Andrew McCallum EBOX: mccallum@cs.rochester.edu Computer Science Dept VOX: (716) 275-2527, (716) 275-1372 (lab) University of Rochester FAX: (716) 461-2018 Rochester, NY 14627-0226 http://www.cs.rochester.edu/u/mccallum