Comparing syntaxes (Re: What language would you use?)

Tom Lord (
Sun, 6 Nov 1994 06:53:43 GMT

I'm not into point by point refutations or replies, but i saw a
neat segue:

Tchrist writes:

However, I think you'll find that if someone understand this:

long fact(long i) {
if (i < 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return i * fact(i - 1);

That this isn't very far removed from it:

sub fact {
my $n = shift;
if ($n < 1) {
return 1;
} else {
return $n * fact($n - 1);

After this syntactic comparison, tchrist goes on to post some scheme
code (but not code that computes factorial). I guess its only
fair if i post some scheme code. I'm going to give three scheme
versions. The first mimics the C version. The second is how a
scheme hacker would normally write fact. The third is the most interesting
in this context -- I saved the best for last.

First, there is the mimicy version. I think it looks a lot like
the C version, except puffier.

(define (fact i) ; warning -- untested code
(if (< i 1)
(* i (fact (+ -1 i)))))

Next is the text book version. A hacker who wanted to optimize her
implementation of factorial wouldn't write a recursive function -- she'd
write a loop. In Scheme, loops have a startling appearence. In this
case, the loop is implemented by a tail recursive nested function.

; If you haven't learned scheme, but know c or perl
; or almost any other popular language, this will
; be hard to follow.
(define (fact i) ; warning -- untested code
(define (loop next-factor answer-so-far)
(if (< next-factor 1)
(loop (- next-factor 1) (* next-factor answer-so-far))))
(loop i 1))

As you can see, a tail recursive nested function looks quite a bit
different from, say a `for' loop in C. But in fact, a `for' loop in C
is just another kind of notation for the same idea. Which brings me
to the third example of factorial in Scheme.

I've mentioned that the GEL project will produce a C-like syntax for
Scheme. I have a prototype of this syntax, and as it turns out, my
test suite contains an implementation of factorial. Personally, i
think this is slightly cleaner than both the C and Perl verions

/* warning -- doesn't implement quite the same
* function as tchrist's examples, but it's close.
define fact(x)
var total;
for (total = 1; x; x = x - 1)
total = total * x;
return total;

I have a 700 line yacc grammar and a 500 line scheme program that
translate definitions in the c-like syntax. In this case, the
translator produces a tail recursive loop comperable to what a scheme
programmer would have written in the first place. This isn't Rocket
Science -- many people have implemented similar syntaxes before -- but
i hope it will help to make people more comfortable programming with
the Gnu extension language.


p.s. for schemeheads

For the code above, I get the translation:

(define (fact x)
(let* ((total #f))
(let ((break (lambda (return) total)))
(set! total 1)
(letrec ((continue
(lambda (return)
(if (ctax:test x)
(set! total (ctax:times total x))
(continue (set! x (ctax:minus x 1))))
(break return)))))
(continue #f))))))

This is pretty close to what a hacker who likes scheme syntax would
have written in the first place. Probably a scheme hacker wouldn't
have modifed TOTAL by side effects, and would have added an
extra parameter to the loop.


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