About Cló
A little over a year ago, I gave a talk at Clojure/conj called Cló: The Algorithms of TEX in Clojure. It was very well received, and a surprising number of people were interested in the project (which at the time was only partly complete, unreleased, and in the middle of a substantial redesign).
A few people have been asking me about the status, so here it is: it is only partly compete, unreleased, and in the middle of a substantial redesign.
There are several reasons for that. The first one is that my job has kept me quite busy, with little time left over for a hobby project. But that wasn’t everything.
At the time I gave the talk, my mother was experiencing medical problems that would, over the next few months, bring her to her death on 20 April 2015 at the age of 95. In many ways it wasn’t a sad occasion: 95 is a ripe old age, and her quality of life had been poor for a long time, so the point of this isn’t to solicit condolences. But caring for her in those final months, the funeral, and then arranging a move for my dad a short time afterward took up most of my time.
But around the middle of 2015, I did start to get back to Cló again. And I realized something right away: before rebuilding Cló with my revised goals, I needed to become a better Clojure programmer. Cló was the largest Clojure program I had ever worked on, and the first one where I was in charge of the design. So as I returned to the project, I found myself trying to do several challenging things at once:
- Decipher the mind-mangling complexity of TEX’s code;
- Separate the optimizations from the essence of the algorithms;
- Recast those thoroughly procedural algorithms into a functional style;
- Correct the initial design mistakes from my first version of Cló; and
- Level-up as a Clojure programmer.
I can’t see a way around doing the first four simultaneously, but the last one can be done all by itself. I realized that it would be smart to get that one out of the way first, by practicing Clojure on a simpler project.
That project is snergly, a Clojure implementation of the algorithms in Jamis Buck’s wonderful book Mazes for Programmers. Toward the end of summer, before my job got too busy again, I built a command-line Clojure application that covered the first five chapters of the book. More recently, starting with a conference trip in early December and continuing through the Christmas holidays, I got that code working in ClojureScript to produce an animated, browser-based display. Along the way I’ve learned a lot (about both Clojure and ClojureScript, Om Next, Prismatic schema, and test.check).
I think I’m ready to take another run at Cló. The next time I have some spare time to hack on something, that’s the project I’ll be working on.